Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, 5/21/13 at 3:00 pm (Day 19 in STICU)

Tuesday, 5/21/13 at 3:00 pm   (Day 19 in STICU)
Samuel is having a really good day.  He wore his brace for the first time since his last two surgeries.  We basically just padded out all the tubes and then strapped it tight to his body.  It takes 2-3 people to get him into the brace.  He had a goal of being able to tolerate sitting in the neuro-chair for 1-2 hours, but he sat in it for almost 4 hours.   He tolerated the ice chips and they even gave him a little bit of apple juice.  He was so happy to have something to drink.  He was kind of worried about being unable to speak, but the doctors came and explained to him that it is due to the tubes being placed through his vocal cords when he was intubated four times.  They said he will get his voice back as all that begins to heal.   They took his NG tube out.  They are going to start two more IVs in his arms so they can use them when they pull his central line today.  I am really proud of the progress Samuel is making today.  While he was in his chair today, he started writing his speech for the Autobahn Show.  He hasn’t read much more in his book because he said it was making him really dizzy when he was lying on his back.  I think sitting in the chair is really helping his frame of mind.   He is sleeping now.  I am sure he is pretty worn out.  Slow and steady progress today!  What an answer to prayer!

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