Thursday, June 6, 2013

Update on Samuel

Thursday, 6/6/13 – 12:45 pm
Just a quick update on Samuel.  He is doing well.  We do not have the results from the cultures back, but he definitely has an infection because there is drainage out of one of the previous holes from a drain that was removed at some point.  I have been in contact with Dr. Kozar several times a day through text or phone.   She has been such a blessing through all of this.  Samuel had a good day yesterday.  He spent most of the morning at the table working on his speech again.  He looked great!  I will try to post a picture of him.  Teresa Blake came out yesterday and gave him a haircut.  We even washed his hair while he was standing up.  He can’t bend his back at all due to the spinal injury. 
In the afternoon, Marcus, Ethan and Ben Lawhon came out to visit Samuel.  They were surprised at how well he was doing.  Last time Marcus saw Samuel he was still in Shock-Trauma ICU on the ventilator.  Shortly after they left, the home health nurse came.  Samuel’s fever had spiked again and we had to call Dr. Kozar.  I sent her pictures of the wound and the infected area.  He is on two strong antibiotics that should take care of it. 
Every really good day seems to be followed by a day where Samuel needs a lot more rest.  He has slept all day so far.  I wake him occasionally to empty drains and change bandages.  I make him drink an Ensure Plus shake each time too.  He is very thin now.  He only weighs 94 pounds with the spine brace, all the tubes, and his leg in a cast.  I’m sure he weighs less than 90 pounds without all of that.  It has been a tough road, but I just keep reminding myself that he is here and that he will be healed in time.  Praise the Lord!

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