Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, 5/22/13 at 6:00 am (Day 20)

Wednesday, 5/22/13 at 6:00 am (Day 20)
During the night they moved Samuel to SIMU (Intermediate ICU).  He is now in bed 25.  They told me that they really didn’t want to move him to SIMU because it is loud and not really the best place for him, but last night they got three new STICU patients in and they needed to move three out of STICU to make room for them.   I am hoping they will move him to Jones Pavilion – 6th Floor, which is the trauma floor.   They still haven’t removed his central line, but I’m sure it will be removed soon because it has to be removed or replaced every seven days and today is day 7. 
I put a call into the social worker yesterday, but I haven’t had a chance to talk to her yet.  I have some questions about what options we have when it is time for Samuel to leave the hospital.  I know we are a long way from that point, but I want to have somewhat of a plan.  Yesterday they told me that Samuel will not be allowed to go straight home.  He will need to go to rehab or some sort of skilled nursing facility when that time comes.  Samuel has a sound mind and no brain trauma (Praise God), so he is not eligible to go to TIRR, which is where most of the patients here go.  This is all unfamiliar ground for us, so we are not even aware of what is available in Brenham or the surrounding area.  I’m sure the social worker will have some answers for us.  I really wish we could avoid this, but it sounds like he is just too weak.  They said that once he is able to move around, he will start intense physical therapy here at the hospital.  A week ago, he was very critical and not doing well at all, so today I am so very thankful that we are even discussing plans for when he is able to leave the hospital.  Thank you Jesus for the progress we are seeing.  God is good!    

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