Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday, 5/18/13 @ 10:00 am (Day 16)

Saturday, 5/18/13 @ 10:00 am (Day 16)
It is day 16 for Samuel in Shock-Trauma ICU.  Today we were unable to see him for a while because they had some procedures to complete this morning.  He passed his breathing test and has been taken off the ventilator again.  He is now wearing an oxygen mask.  He was a little more alert today than yesterday, but they are keeping him pretty sedated to help control his pain.  He has been very quiet the last few days.  His eyes seem so full of questions, but he is not really talking or writing.  He looks worried.  We’ve tried to explain things to him and we’ve asked him several times if he understands. 
Yesterday, the spine team came and picked up his brace.  They are going to try to adapt it and make changes that will allow them to put him in the brace even with all his new tubes.  He must be wearing the brace in order to sit up more than 30 degrees in the bed.  
Today, some of the younger kids will be riding in the Washington County Wrangler Rodeo.  They have really been looking forward to this and it will be good for them to get out and have some fun.  Hannah, Nathaniel and Lydia will be looking out for all the little ones.  This evening, Melissa, Naomi and Julia are bringing the babies to the hospital.  Melissa and the girls may stay here with Samuel and Jay and I may take the babies for a walk in Hermann Park.  We are really looking forward to seeing them.

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