Saturday, May 11, 2013

Friday, 5/10/13 @ 4:00 pm - Update

Friday, 5/10/13 @ 4:00 pm

 It has been a good day! God is good!!' Samuel came out of the operating around 12:20 today. He is starting to wake up a little and already wants to write little messages. We have not talked with the doctors yet because they had another emergency. The nurse told me that there was more openings leaking in the abdomen when they put more of the dye in. They were able to re...pair those spots and they closed the fascia, but left the skin and outer layer open. They will just let that area granulate in over time because closing it would be a big risk of infection. So.....we are heading in the right direction again. Now he will have to pass his breathing tests to try to get off the vent again. We are going to set goals and work until be accomplished each of them. Praise the Lord for this positive news.

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