Wednesday - 5/8/13 @ 6:00 pm
Well....what a rough day! We met with the surgeons and we have taken about five steps back today. We have all the same tubes we had on day one, plus a couple of additional ones. They will keep him heavily sedated through the night. While in the operating room, they injected dye into several parts of his system to check for wound leaks. Samuel has a so so so so much scar tissue from surgeries when he was four years old. The surgeons said it is very difficult to even know what you are looking at inside of him because of the scar tissue and the trauma caused by the accident. They said, "It looks like a bomb went off inside of him." Basically it was like he was almost cut in two by the seatbelt, but he would have had no chance of surviving without a seatbelt. I am so thankful he was wearing his seatbelt! Everything in his middle is damaged. The trauma surgeons said, "Working on Samuel is like taking a piece of wet toilet paper and putting it inside a block of concrete and having to chisel away at the concrete to do surgery on the wet toilet paper inside." He just has that much scar tissue. They said, "This is a difficult surgery on someone with no scar tissue, so it makes it extremely challenging to work on Samuel." They also said that he had lost blood flow to some organs and that the damage done makes it more limiting on what they can do to help him now. On Friday, he will head back the operating room. They have left him open again with a sponge type thing inside of him. The goal of his surgery on Friday is to get him back on the right track again and to get him healthy enough that he is moving forward again. We are focusing on surgeries needed to survive. Then in six months, when he is healthy again, they will go back in and finish fixing him back up. It has been a long day. This will probably be my last update for today. I know our Heavenly Father loves Samuel even more than we do, which seems impossible, but it is true. He will take care of Samuel and I know He is not done with him. Thanks for praying for Samuel.
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